Bridal Shower games not only allow your guests to participate, but they give the guests the chance to know the bride and others guests a little better. It's also a fun opportunity to give away little gifts to your guests. Here are a few bridal shower games that span from the traditional to the unique.

Anniversary Game:
As each guest arrives, have them write down the date of their wedding anniversary (or birthday if they are not married). Whoever has an anniversary (or birthday) closest to the wedding date wins the door prize.
Variation: Ask everyone who is married to stand up. Then ask everyone who has been married: "1 year or less" to sit down. Continue with "5 years or less," "10 years or less," and so on until only one person is left standing. When you give this guest a door prize, ask what advice she has to give the bride for a long and happy marriage.
Hugs & Kisses (or Candy Matching) Game:
Using index cards, write the names of candy on one half and "wedding" definitions on the other. Tape all the cards face down (so the words are hidden) to a board or wall. Each guest will get a chance to turn over two cards, one from each side. If it matches, they win the matching candy. If it doesn't match, the flip the cards back over and the next guest goes. Customize the definitions with the candy you find.
Variation: Give each guest her own sheet to match the candy with the definitions. The guest with the most correct matches wins.
Some examples: Hershey's Hugs (Warm Embraces); Lifesavers (Parents); 100 Grand (Reception); Butterfingers (First Date); Sweet Tarts (Bride and Groom).
Right Left Game:
You can either play this with all your guests sitting in a circle or at each table of guests. Give one guest a gift (either in the large circle or at each table). Tell the guests to listen closely as you read a story and pass their gifts to the right whenever they hear the word "right" and pass the gift to the left when they hear the word "left." Whoever is holding the gift at the end wins the gift. Read the story at a quick pace to challenge your guests and don't worry if your guests don't catch every right or left-they'll still have lots of fun!
If you're a bridesmaid or maid of honor reading this story, feel free to customize it ahead of time to fit the bride. Just make sure to include plenty of "lefts" and "rights!"
(Bride's name) knew right away that she had found Mr. RIGHT and the RIGHT date was set. Now seemed to be the RIGHT time to start so she LEFT RIGHT after lunch and went RIGHT to her mother's house. She knew she needed to get started RIGHT away to make sure nothing was LEFT undone.
There was little time LEFT to spare and so much LEFT to do. She asked her mother to write down an address list and she LEFT to find the RIGHT invitations. On her way, she LEFT a message at the florist and then RIGHT to the bridal shop she ran.
RIGHT in the window was the perfect dress. Oh no, I LEFT my checkbook RIGHT in the car. Hold that dress, I'll be RIGHT back. With that done, she called Mr. RIGHT and LEFT him a message to call her RIGHT back. She LEFT to meet the florist who had LEFT her a message that they had the RIGHT flowers for her.
Mr. RIGHT called her RIGHT back and said he LEFT a message for the preacher to call him RIGHT back and that he had just LEFT work and would be RIGHT over.
She LEFT the florist and ran RIGHT over to meet Mr RIGHT. RIGHT away they discussed what was LEFT to do. Who would be the RIGHT best man? She LEFT that up to Mr RIGHT. I'll get the RIGHT maid of Honor.
RIGHT away they started shopping for the RIGHT rings. With that done, the next stop was to order the RIGHT cake. Mr. RIGHT could clearly see his future, Mrs. RIGHT, was on the right track.
After a long day, all that was LEFT to do was get RIGHT home to see if any messages were LEFT while they were out. "Let's call it a day". "Whatever is LEFT to do, can be LEFT until tomorrow. With a kiss, he LEFT and she went RIGHT to bed.
Bridal Bingo:
Make "bingo cards" for all your guests with 25 empty spaces (5 across, 5 down). Ask guests to write gifts in each square that they think the bride-to-be will receive. As the bride opens her presents, have the guests cross off any presents she receives that are on their cards. As soon as someone has 5 in a row (diagonal counts), shout "Bingo!"
Guessing Game:
Find a cute jar and fill with colorful candy or something that matches the shower's theme. Seal it up and pass it around to the guests. Give each guest a note card to write their name and the number of pieces they think are inside. Whoever is closest, wins. You can also put smaller versions of this game on each table, as part of the centerpiece, allowing there to be a winner at each table.
Advice for Marriage, Love & Life Bridal Shower Games:
Pass out note cards to all the guests and ask them to write advice for the bride. All the note cards are collected and the bride can read each one out loud. You can have her try to guess who wrote each comment, or just hold onto them as a keepsake.
Purse Search Game:
Create a list of things most guests might have in their purses and assign points to each thing. Whoever has the most points at the end of the game, wins. Some examples: lipstick (4 points), calculator (8 points), pen (2 points), photo of others (4 points), photo of yourself (8 points), etc.

Get to Know the Groom Game:
Have someone contact the groom prior to the shower and ask him a list of questions about himself and his bride-to-be. Ask him to keep it as a secret so the bride doesn't know ahead of time. Write out the questions on the front of note cards and his answer on the back. At the shower, have guests read the questions to the bride and see if she can match the groom's answer.
Some examples: "What's the groom's favorite food?", "Where did you go on your first date?" or "If the groom could have any superpower, which one would he pick?"
If you have any questions about Bridal Shower games and activities, contact us today at Hello Productions! No matter what you decide to include in your shower, you and your guests are bound to have fun!